Introducing Warrior Hill
A company founded by a family with a passion for sports and a commitment to helping people with diabetes perform at their best.
Warrior Hill was born from the desire of parents, one of which is T1D, wanting their son to be able to perform at an optimal level, despite having diabetes.
Our story began with Luke, who was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) at a young age. Playing sports without his insulin pump wasn't an option, as Luke would experience adrenaline highs that left him feeling sick and lethargic. But wearing his pump in a traditional location could affect his performance. We couldn’t find what we needed... so we built it.
At Warrior Hill, we specialize in athletic wear for athletes with diabetes. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to perform at their best, regardless of their health conditions. That's why we've designed a range of high-quality, safety focused, insulin pump shirts that are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of athletes with diabetes.
It’s our hope that our shirts can help make life a little easier for type 1 athletes but most importantly our mission is to find a cure. That is why we donate 50% of our profits back to diabetes research. We are proud to partner with the JDRF Canada to do our part to work towards a world without diabetes.

Why the name Warrior Hill?
war·ri·or [ˈwôrēər]: A person who is actively engaged in battle, a person who is strong and doesn’t give up easily, often seen as present, fearless, bold and courageous.
hill [hil]: A bump in the landscape, or in our case a bump in the Dexcom but also our last name.